Home insurance is designed to protect your home and your family in case of an accident. One of the key pieces of a home insurance policy is dwelling coverage. Dwelling coverage provides compensation for damages to the physical home and its attached structures due to:
Falling objects
This coverage includes compensation for damage to the roof, with certain limits and exclusions.
Limits on Home Insurance
Common exclusions for home insurance include damage caused by flooding and earthquakes. If a flood or earthquake causes damage to the roof, these damages will not be covered unless you have additional coverages for these dangers. 
Many homeowners also run into difficulties when it comes time to file a claim concerning a roof. This is in part due to the expensive nature of roofs. Replacing a roof can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $12,000 depending on the type of roof and where you live. It’s important to realize that, while insurance agencies are designed to help you financially, they do not want to lose money by paying out expensive claims. Since roofs are expensive to replace, roof damage can often be excluded or limited. Costs don’t end at just the cost of the roof, however. There are also costs related to labor costs, which can be anywhere between $150 and $300 per square.
Be sure to look over your home insurance policy carefully for any fine print exclusions or limitations regarding the roof of your home. There are often exclusions for roofs over a certain age. Older roofs or roofs that are not up to date will often be denied coverage. Before purchasing a home insurance policy, make sure to check the age and quality of your roof. Having a newer roof that is safeguarded against weather damage can not only raise the likelihood of the roof being covered, but it can also lower your home insurance premiums. Other reasons for a roof-related home insurance claim being denied include:
Improper installation
Faulty roof material
Lack of maintenance
Cosmetic damage
Steps for Filing a Home Insurance Claim for a Roof
Before you ever file a home insurance claim, it’s crucial to have the damage assessed by a professional and reliable contractor. A good roofing contractor should be able to asses the damage and give an estimate for the cost of fixing or replacing it. If the cost of repairing the room is less than the price of your home insurance deductible, it may be more cost-effective to not file a claim. On the other hand—and more likely—if the damages are substantially more than the cost of your deductible, you will want to file a claim to compensate for the damages.
Once you have decided to file a claim, be sure to gather all of the information about the incident, including the estimate from your contractor. A claim should generally be made within 30 days of the incident. When you call your insurance agency, an underwriter from the agency will investigate the claim. Keep in mind that multiple home insurance claims, especially roof-related, can lead to denied claims and even cancelled coverage. It’s important to seek repairs and safeguard your home before and directly after an incident to avoid even more damage following. For example, if your home is damaged due to a tornado, but another storm sweeps in three days later and creates more damage, that damage may not be covered.
You may be able to discuss compensation with your insurance agent if you are not happy with the compensation offered.